Embracing the Shift: Awakening to a New Path of Transformation

I find myself embracing a powerful shift—a deepening awareness of the energies that swirl within and around me. I’m stepping into a space of miraculous, supernatural, unexpected, and surprising change, knowing that everything is aligning in my favor. This is a time of manifestation, where I’m actively receiving all that is meant for me.

With each passing day, my focus sharpens on the subtle energies, the quiet shifts that guide us toward something greater. I’m widening my perspective, shifting from “I” to “We,” and allowing a cause-driven mindset to take root. More and more, I’m disconnecting from the old ways, the belief systems that no longer serve us or our collective journey. This disconnection isn’t just a withdrawal; it’s a necessary step in the process of transformation. It’s the space before the birth of something new—a space where we anticipate the unusual, the strange, even the miraculous.

I can feel it—our power is rising. The tides are turning, pulling us away from the fear-based templates that have dominated recent years. 2024 is just the beginning of this awakening, a time when people power is on the rise, and humanity is recognizing that we can no longer continue on the path we’ve been following. This realization is sparking a surge in conscious action, a collective drive to create and shape a positive future.

Personally, I feel an undeniable call to help others navigate these profound changes. The question that resonates within me is this: How can we all leverage our time, energy, passion, and skills to uplift humanity? As we ponder this, we must also consider the pressing issues of our time—climate change and the increasing frequency of climate events. These challenges are real, but so too is the new technology and collective willpower emerging to address them. It’s about looking at the problem and finding the solution, honoring the earth’s transformation as part of our own experience. How do we support her in this journey?

For me, peace comes from opening my heart, and I encourage others to do the same. We must transform our anger into love, for we cannot move forward if we remain trapped in fear and rage. The shifts in our hearts and energy are happening quickly, almost miraculously, and soon they will be unmistakable.

At this moment, more than ever, we must trust in the journey—our personal journey through this world. It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos, but I choose to focus on my path, my awareness. Whether it’s awakening my intuitive abilities, learning to sense and discern the energies and auras around me, expressing these insights through art, or simply meditating daily, this is how I stay grounded in my journey.

Of course, I still face battles. We all do. Old patterns and habits cling tightly, and I work every day to release them. But my priority, my commitment, is to hold space—for myself, for others, for the extraordinary possibilities that are on the horizon. In this space, I trust in the unfolding of my journey, knowing that whatever comes, I am ready to receive it. Together, we are building something new, something beautiful—a lighted house that will shine brightly in the world.

2 responses to “Embracing the Shift: Awakening to a New Path of Transformation”

    1. Thank you Deb. I continue to watch you do incredible work in so many communities through art education. Don’t stop!

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