Choosing Myself: A Meditation on Change and Self-Discovery

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the beautiful unpredictability of life, and I’m finally getting comfortable with the excitement that comes when you embrace the unknown. This moment feels like a time of both significant beginnings and necessary endings. I feel it deep within, and I’m starting to see these changes reflected in my personal journey. There’s movement in so many areas—where I live, my relationships, my profession, my well-being. Change is occurring, and rather than resisting it, I’m learning to surrender to the process. It’s not always easy, but I’m becoming pretty good at letting go.

Letting go is not about abandoning responsibility or withdrawing from the world. It’s about relinquishing what is no longer meant for me and giving myself the space to grow. For too long, I carried the weight of other people’s expectations, often consumed with the worry of betraying those I love if I prioritized myself. But now I see the truth: I am allowed to choose myself. I don’t need to apologize for protecting my energy or for setting boundaries. Those who truly care for me will understand, and those who don’t? Well, they’re not meant to be part of my world any longer.

Change is coming, and I know it’s here to transform me in ways I can’t yet fully comprehend. The clarity around what exactly will end and what will begin is still forming, but I’m coming to understand that I don’t need to know all the details just yet. That’s the beauty of surrendering to the unknown. Whatever is meant to end will end. And whatever is meant to begin, will begin. My only job is to trust that I will recognize it when it arrives.

For the first time in my life, I am truly done with forcing. I won’t force a move, a career, or a relationship to fit a mold of what I think it should be. I won’t push my body or mind into situations that don’t feel aligned. For so long, I equated success with striving, hustling, and doing. Now, I just want to be. I want to be with myself. I want to know myself deeply—the real me, unburdened by the roles I’ve played or the expectations I’ve carried.

It’s no longer about achieving something external. It’s about being present in this moment, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, the breeze brushing my fingertips. I want to create beauty not just in the world around me but in the inner world of my mind’s eye. There is no rush, no deadline. I’m exactly who I’ve always been—an awareness of consciousness, a being on a journey.

What excites me most is the unpredictability ahead. It’s strange, but I feel more prepared to face the unknown than ever before. There’s something almost exhilarating about not knowing what’s next. How boring would it be if we had all the answers upfront? I know that whatever comes, it will be for the highest good—my good, the good of the universe, and the good of everyone around me.

I am filled with gratitude for the path behind me and the path ahead. I’ve arrived at a place of peace, and it’s so simple, yet powerful: meditation. My daily practice has become my anchor. It’s the stillness I return to when the world feels chaotic, and it’s where I reconnect with myself, time and time again. It’s through meditation that I’ve found this peace, and I want to share that with you.

If you’re feeling the pull to begin a daily meditation practice or if you’re looking for a fresh approach, I’d love to help guide you. Please feel free to reach out—I’d be happy to share my insights and walk with you on your journey. Let’s embrace the unknown together.

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